Students at the Career Dreams Centre are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct which promotes a safe and healthy environment. We expect every student to read this document thoroughly. If you have any questions regarding the content, please see the Dean of Students or Academic Registrar / Admissions Officer for clarification. Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action and even dismissal.
1 – PERSONAL CONDUCT Students are expected to behave in an upright manner and to respect the dignity of others and that includes everyone: peers, college personnel, visitors, and contractors. The following is not tolerated:
- Bullying and intimidation, or any behaviour that degrades or humiliates others.
- Abusive or foul language.
- Physical abuse or violence of any kind.
- Harassment: any unwanted or uninvited behaviour that makes others feel uncomfortable.
- Discrimination on any basis such as race, religion, sex, disability, personal appearance etc.
- Discrimination against people with diseases such as HIV Infection.
- Abuse of power or use of inappropriate influence where the other person feels pressured to do things that are not correct.
- Theft or pilfering of any kind.
- Engagement in criminal activities of any kind.
- Bribery, fraud, plagiarism, cheating or any other misleading behaviour.
- Consumption or distribution of illegal substances such as drugs on college premises.
- Consumption or distribution of alcohol on college premises.
- Coming intoxicated to class or college activities.
- Unexcused absence from class.
- Smoking on college premises other than in designated areas.
- Abuse or damage of college property.
- Distribution of any illegal or offensive material in word or picture.
- Viewing or downloading of any illegal or offensive content from the internet on college computers.
Note that any of the above is ground for immediate dismissal whereby the misbehaving student forfeits any claim on compensation payments such as course fee refund.
2 – PERSONAL PRESENTATION Students are expected to maintain a dignified appearance and present for classes and college activities in a way that will not cause embarrassment or offence to peers, college personnel, guests or visitors. The following applies:
- Dress style should be modest and the college uniform should be worn whilst on campus; any revealing or provocative attire is inappropriate.
- Cosmetics, perfumes and accessories and jewellery should be modest.
- Hairstyles should be within the accepted range and not extreme.
- Personal grooming should be immaculate and body odour and any bad breath should be controlled.
- Use of the college uniform during off- time especially in bars, night clubs and discos is not allowed.
3 – PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Students are required to exercise self-control and to take responsibility for their actions and words; the following is expected:
- A positive approach to assignments and feedback.
- Punctuality for classes and extra-curriculum / college activities.
- A bright and cheerful attitude during classes.
- Avoidance of conflict and hostility, control of anger and emotions.
- Avoidance of intimate gestures such as kissing.
- Use of appropriate communication channels and grievance/dispute resolution procedures.
- Open, respectful and objective communication with peers, college personnel and visitors.
- Close following of advised safety standards.
- Switching off the cell phone during classes and extra-curriculum / college activities.
4 – OTHER POINTS Students are expected to familiarize themselves with all applicable policies and procedures during the first week of the course starting. The following list is inclusive but is not limited to:
- Academic Integrity & Academic Definitions
- Attendance and Participation
- Curricular and extra-curricular activities (at own expense as advised)
- Other college activities (at own expense as advised)
- Payment and Refund
- Assessment & Examination
- Exemptions
- Student Uniforms and ID's
- Student Suggestion Scheme
- Industrial Attachment
- Grievance & Dispute Resolution
- Counselling and Dismissal.
To download the full code of conduct click here.