Occupational Health & Safety

Protecting the health, safety and welfare of people in a work place has a long history which was in its early beginnings linked to the Human Resource function. As the work environments evolved, so did the requirements related to work place health and safety. It grew into a separate discipline with specialized professionals to carry out the necessary procedures.
This course introduces trainees to the fundamental principles of Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) including systems, policies and procedures that are needed to assure high standards in any organization. After completion of the course, participants will be able to carry out the function.

  1. Health in the Workplace
  2. Safety
  3. First Aid & Accidents
  4. Water
  5. Hazard & Emergency Situations
  6. HIV / AIDS Awareness

Duration: 6 Months
Admission Requirements: Junior Certificate (JC) / Form 3 or 1 year work experience in any field. Those with a lower qualification are invited to contact the college for consultation and interview.